Getting ready to travel? We can help to safeguard you before leaving for your destination. We will also inform you of the risk based on the location you are traveling to.

Travel Medicine Q & A

What is travel medicine?

Travel Medicine helps to safeguard your health and safety when traveling to other countries and become more informed about your trip.

Who should see a travel medicine physician?

  1. Traveling to developing countries
  2. Traveling outside the normal tourist destinations
  3. If you have chronic health issues that could be affected by travel
  4. Discussing all health conditions, you may have

Traveler Information

Be up to date on all vaccines that you would normally get. Making sure that you get the influenza vaccine or a tetanus booster and the Tdap which helps to safeguard against adult pertussis. In some countries you will need to show proof (an international certificate) of these vaccines in order, to gain entry to your destination.

Common and not so common travel diseases

Travelers Diarrhea, is the most common travel disease, when bacteria or other infectious agents such as a virus and is spread through contaminated food or water. To help with this, make sure to wash your hands regularly and have basic knowledge of food and water precautions.

Meningitis and Encephalitis , are a type of infection that affects the lignin of the brain and spinal cord. Meningococcal meningitis is one of the most severe because it can be fatal. It can be spread with human contact through coughing, sneezing and other respiratory ways.

Yellow Fever, is a virus that is rare, however can be serious. This virus attacks the liver and is spread by the bite of a mosquito.

Hepatitis A, is a virus that also affects the liver and is spread by human waste that is accidentally ingested.


Make sure you make a list of questions for the physician with your visit, and safe travels.

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